DEBUG ME what_to_avoid_on_facebook_unless_you_wish_to_be_a_clown_on_fb:facebook_fails


Facebook, the 2nd most visited website (only behind Google) with over 300 million users and over 40 million status updates every day, is getting more than a place to catch up with old mates, post photographs of our kids, pets and play games. As Facebook grows so does the marketing opportunities. With all advertising and marketing, there are the appropriate ways and the wrong ways utilise the site.

Posting too much about yourself Do not make the Facebook Fails of believing everyone is as enthusiastic about your company when you are. People are selfcentered, and I do not mean that in a bad way. It's simply a well known fact. They want to understand “What is in this for me?” And they have incredibly short attention spans. In general, the guideline is that 80% of your content should be amusing or educational, and only 20% should be about your product, service or brand.

Not posting share-worthy content Facebook Fails Think about what you share with friends on Facebook. Odds are it is something about buddies, family or funny things. Perhaps it is something that touches, or inspires, you, or maybe something that educates or tells. It's most likely NOT something about a company, and that is why it is so important for brands to ride on the coat tails of amusing/engaging content, to stay in front of individuals, and stay top of mind. Coming up with the right content can become a time-consuming process, but there are some fun news feed sources available, which can help.

Not socializing Facebook Fails Facebook is “social media,” not “sellme media,” so be sure to use it to build relationships. Delight, amuse and engage people with interesting, rewarding content. Job number one is making friends, in more ways than one. Consider it, if you're a real estate agent, who only met someone for the very first time, would you attempt to offer them a house on the spot? No. There's a social dance that needs to take place. They have to get to know you before they could like you, and trust you, enough to participate in a business deal. And they may not even be in the marketplace for a house, but by understanding you, and enjoying you, you stand a chance of obtaining a deal if/when their time of need arises; and you could get a referral, in case you are top of mind. Relationships require work, so work at it!

Posting at the wrong time Facebook posts age quickly and get buried under a landslide of other posts even faster, so timing is essential. Should you post something at two O'clock in the day, by the time someone gets off work, and visits Facebook throughout their free time, your post will probably be way down on the listing and is less inclined to be seen. The best times for posting are in the evening hours and on the weekend. Other times that work well are in the morning, before work, and on weekends. Many businesses block FB on work computers, so keep that in mind also.

Not posting frequently enough Making friends on Facebook is like making friends in the real world. It requires work. Posting daily is a good practice. You want to remain in front of people, but make sure your appearance is rewarding. Amuse and educate.

Not posting consistently Most people get away from the starting gates fast, and put up lots of posts at first, but life is full of distractions, therefore it really requires a devoted effort to keep it up. A great idea would be to amass a group of posts so you have them at your fingertips when it comes time to post. Better yet, use an automatic content posting system that enables you to schedule the time and day of each and every place ahead of time. Sendibles and Hootsuite are two popular platforms for doing this.

Not responding to comments Whenever somebody makes a comment on one of your posts, take the time to comment back, or just say “thank you.” This simple step lets followers understand you are paying attention and understand their ideas. Don't Forget, this is an exercise in relationship building, and two way communication is significant.

Not branding the post It's comparatively simple to find some funny picture to post on your site, but what good does it do you when someone shares it on their timeline, but your logo and details doesn't get to go along for the viral ride. Learn how to work with Photoshop, or some photo editing software, to place your branding on humorous visuals.

Not asking for what you need People are more likely to do what you want, as long as you just come out and tell them what to do. It really is simple, but it works! Tell people to make comments, enjoy or share something. Another great idea is to ask people to vote on something like “iPhone or Android,” or “chocolate or vanilla.” Every time someone remarks, Facebook's EdgeRank algorithm places a higher value on the post, making it much more likely to appear on other people's time line website.